วัดพระธรรมกายแมนเชสเตอร์ รับบิณฑบาตเมืองลิเวอร์พลู
คณะสงฆ์และสามเณรจากวัดพระธรรมกายแมนเชสเตอร์ ได้รับกิจนิมนต์เป็นเนื้อนาบุญรับบิณฑบาตและทำบุญถวายภัตตาหาร ณ ร้าน tuk tuk thai restaurant เมืองลิเวอร์พลู
Thai youths intend to do good deeds for H.M. the King
The Bangkok Poll unveiled that Thai youths intend to do good deeds for H.M. the King as the National Father Day.
San Jose Thai Festival 2010
News of Bhavana San Jose temple in San Jose Thai Festival 2010.
What will kind adults do for V-Star children on the 7th V-Star Change the World Day?
Power of the Master Nun-s crystal ball :- Thai tea
The owner of NUMBER ONE BRAND Thai tea unveiled the tips of his success. Certainly, it is involved his merit-making style.
Buddhist News from Thai Rath Press
Two Buddhist News from Thai Rath Press.
Parents, Worthy of Our Reverence
In 1999, statistics in Thailand showed that the number of elderly people who are being neglected increased by at least 300,000 per year while retirement homes in Thailand can only accommodate an increase of 200 people per year
Meditation for 16 Days
Meditation For 16 Days ...Let's meditate together and record your experience online during August 12th - 27th, 2013 since Thai Mother's Day.
My feeling about being a mother - From Mrs. Sasina Wimuttanon
A Thai Celeb and her husband revealed about being a mother and father.
Meditation For Mother
If you are meditation lover and would like to pay back your mother's kindness, please come to meditate together since Thai Mother's Day. Show the world how much you love her...mother...the one who always besides you through thick and thin...